Last Updated: 12/13/2017 | December 13th, 2017
Recently, I went out to a bar with my pal Nicole. I didn’t actually know her that well as we’d only met once before at a conference. When I found myself in her town, we made a decision to meet up. considering that we still didn’t know much about each other, we spent our time chatting and sharing stories. As so typically happens, she asked a barrage of questions about my life and travels, one of which touched upon this subject of being able to “read” people.
I was telling her, in action to a question about what skills I learned in my travels, that travel had greatly improved my ability to better read people and situations.
“Oh ouais? D’ACCORD. read my pals over there” she challenged me.
I proceeded to rattle off my opinions about her pals I had just met and the other people in the bar. I also shared my thoughts about her, based on nothing but facial expressions and posture and our brief conversation so far.
“Comment ai-je fait?” I asked when I was done.
“Wow,” she replied in shock.
While I can only guess if I was ideal about the people in the bar, she was surprised that I had pretty accurately guessed the personality of her and her friends. I didn’t know any of them that well but just through their actions and speech, I was able to figure out a lot about them. There were no parlor tricks involved or mind games. I simply read their body language, their dress, and how they conversed with me.
Why did I get those people at the bar right? Why can I always tell who will be the asshole and which ones I will take pleasure in talking to?
Because of travel.
After spending years on the road trying to communicate with non-English speakers, miming my needs, scrutinizing people’s facial expressions for emotions when words failed, seeing so lots of different people and personality types and enjoying how they interact, I learned how to pick up on clues and hints about how people express themselves.
Since so much of human interaction is non-verbal, when you are traveling around the world trying to communicate with people whose language you don’t speak, being able to read body language and expressions becomes very important.
And that is a skill, no matter how judgmental it may come off to some people, which will help you through life.
And it’s one any traveler can — and will — learn.
Travel teaches us and changes us in ways we never really realize.
But, after a conversation with delighted Hotelier, I realized that this is the one thing I can say I only learned from traveling. Yes, I have learned other life skills but this one thing — the ability to read people and situations — came solely from my travels.
When you travel, you can’t always understand what people are saying as a lot of travelers don’t speak English so non-verbal communication becomes really important. how people act, move, express emotion in their face, carry themselves, the tone in their voice — all of that can help you figure what the heck that Italian with three words of English is really trying to say to you. Or figure out how a person really feels about something by the way they are standing or looking.
The longer you travel, the a lot more you interact with various people, the better you get at this. It’s a skill. A lot of times saying you “read” people is checked out as something bad. It makes you seem like you are casting judgment on people ideal away. I don’t think that is true.
Knowing how to read people can help you figure out if that cab motorist is really “taking a shortcut” or if that shop owner is giving you the best price or if the people you just met at the hostel are being severe or funny with that joke they just said.
We project ourselves and how we feel during our interactions with others. I wouldn’t call someone a nervous person because they were anxious if they walked up to a girl or were meeting the new boss. But, in an everyday setting, if someone seemed anxious and nervous and jittery, wouldn’t you think they were a bit like that? could I be wrong? Peut-être. peut être pas. normally not.
Traveling around the world has taught me a lot about how to read people and situations because you see so lots of different people in so lots of different interactions on a daily basis.
And if you travel, it’s one you’ll develop too. It’s a skill that I’ve found beneficial at home and abroad, one that has helped me navigate questionable situations and helped me break the ice when meeting new people. It’s been invaluable.
And it’s all because of travel.
Comment parcourir le monde sur 50 $ par jour
Mon guide de poche à succès du New York Times pour les voyages dans le monde vous montrera comment maîtriser l’art du voyage afin que vous quittez les sentiers battus, que vous économiserez de l’argent et que vous ayez une expérience de voyage plus profonde. C’est votre guide de planification A à Z que la BBC a appelé la «Bible pour les voyageurs à petit budget».
Cliquez ici pour en savoir beaucoup plus et commencez à le lire aujourd’hui!
Book Your Trip:Idées et astuces logistiques
Réservez votre vol
Trouvez un vol à faible coût en utilisant Skyscanner. C’est mon moteur de recherche préféré car il recherche des sites Web et des compagnies aériennes du monde entier, donc vous savez toujours qu’aucune pierre n’est laissée.
Réservez votre hébergement
Vous pouvez réserver votre auberge avec HostelWorld. Si vous voulez rester ailleurs qu’une auberge, utilisez car ils renvoient régulièrement les tarifs les moins chers pour les maisons d’hôtes et les hôtels.
N’oubliez pas l’assurance voyage
L’assurance voyage vous assurera contre la maladie, les blessures, le vol et les annulations. C’est une protection détaillée au cas où quelque chose se passe mal. Je ne vais jamais en voyage sans cela car j’ai dû l’utiliser beaucoup de fois dans le passé. Mes entreprises préférées qui offrent le meilleur service et la meilleure valeur sont:
Safetywing (mieux pour tout le monde)
Assurer mon voyage (pour ceux de plus de 70 ans)
MedJet (pour une couverture d’évacuation supplémentaire)
Prêt à réserver votre voyage?
Consultez ma page de ressources pour les meilleures entreprises à utiliser lorsque vous voyagez. J’énumère tous ceux que j’utilise lorsque je voyage. Ils sont les meilleurs de la classe et vous ne pouvez pas vous tromper en les utilisant lors de votre voyage.